No one goes on a cruise expecting something to go wrong. And for the vast majority of people, nothing does. However, there may be that rare time when your trip can run into a few bumps or an even more rare larger emergency event.
Cruising still remains one of the safest ways to travel and we encourage those who are skeptical to avoid crossing cruising off of their to-do list too quickly. As with any other type of travel, we also encourage you to be prepared for emergencies so that you are able to get back to safety quickly and with as little grief as possible.
Here are some tips from our cruise experts on what you can do to prepare yourself before leaving and what to do during your trip if anything should happen:
- Find a good travel agent
When the unexpected happens you need someone knowledgeable and experienced on your side. Having a travel agent who has a relationship withyou and your best interest in mind is worth gold when travel emergencies happen. While you focus on your safety and well-being, they can focus on getting you back home or to the rest of your itinerary with the least amount of hassle.
- Always provide your contact and travel information to others
Make sure your family and travel agent have your contact information, travel itinerary and any other information they might need for you while you’re on your vacation. Give a copy of your passport’s information page to your travel agent so they have it on file with your other travel documents in case they are lost. - Collect important contact information and keep it close
Just in case something extreme happens and you need assistance, make a list of important contact information for things like the closest embassies along your route, your travel agent’s emergency contact number, your healthcare provider back home, and anyone else you may need to speak with. Keep a copy of this information close at hand and also email yourself a copy to an email address that you can access while on the road. If you lose access to the paper copy, you will have a backup online to get to. - Plan for emergency communication back home
Your mobile phone carrier probably has an international option they can activate on your cell phone plan or your agent can give you several options for renting an international mobile phone. - Travel Insurance is worth it
Most people can afford to lose the cost of their trip, as unfortunate as that might be. But, the cost to be air-lifted off a cruise ship due to a medical emergency is financially life-changing.
- Keep your documents handy
Have all your travel documents in a “grab and go” waterproof travel pouch. - Pay attention during muster drills
As soon as you board your cruise, find out where your lifeboat station is and when the muster drill will take place. Pay attention and take this drill seriously. It makes all the difference in getting you off the ship safely in case of evacuation. - Report in to authorities as soon as possible
In the event of any emergency, report in to someone in authority as soon as possible so that your situation can be documented. Loved ones back home are likely to hear of your circumstances through an official channel before you are able to make direct contact with them. - Try to stay calm and cooperative
Most importantly when emergency situations happen, try to remain calm and be patient. Emergency responders always operate in a triage mode – the highest need is addressed first. By demanding their immediate attention, you only slow down their effectiveness and compromise everyone’s safety.
Are there any other safety measures you take when traveling abroad? If you feel they could help other travelers be safer while at sea, share them with us below!
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