Recently I was out with my girlfriends and we were talking about planning a girl’s weekend getaway. Of course, I brought up going on a cruise and was immediately shot down for reasons that are the same 3 cruise myths that drive me crazy.
Myth #1. It’s Too Expensive: This is so far from the truth! Cruising is can be one of the cheaper ways to travel, mainly because it is almost all-inclusive. For instance, my friends were talking about a trip to Palm Springs (because we live in California). The average cost for a 3 nights stay in a decent hotel will run around $400. Sure, that could be split between two people but you’re still looking at spending over $200 for the hotel room alone. Not to mention, the cost of food 3 times a day for 3 days, and entertainment costs, because no one wants to hang out in the hotel room and watch television all day. After looking into the cost we found that our 3 day trip to Palm Springs would cost at least $500 and that was if we split hotel costs, ate at inexpensive restaurants, and forgo spa day with the girls! Of course, none of us wanted to spend that much money if we couldn’t really enjoy ourselves while we were there, so I showed them the price of a 4 night-trip aboard a cruise ship. This particular 4-night cruise to Mexico would cost us $149.00 each and that included our room, food, entertainment, plus we get an extra day! With the money we were saving we could afford to do the girl’s spa day aboard the ship, and take a shore excursion! Of course this works as long as you don’t have to fly to the cruise port.
Myth #2. It Will Be Claustrophobic And There Will Be Nothing To Do: When someone says this to me I know right away they’ve never been on a cruise ship. First and foremost, cruise ships are huge! They are just like a hotel on water. The best analogy I have is that cruising is similar Disneyland: you can be there for days and still never get a chance to do all the rides. Seriously, a cruise ship is so vast most people never get to experience everything offered aboard. And, as far as having nothing to do…that can’t be further from the truth. They have several pools, a plethora of bars and clubs, a movie theatre, workout stations, day spas, the list is endless. Each ship has different options, some have zip lines and rock walls, while others offer cooking classes and Broadway style shows.
Myth #3. Cruise Ships Carry The Norovirus: I can see how so many people believe this is true because of how it is portrayed in the news, but the Norovirus is more likely to be found on land than at sea. The media always fails to mention that health officials are required to track illnesses on cruise vessels while other places, like hotels, are not tracked for illnesses. It should also be known that the Norovirus is a very common illness (the common cold being the only illness that is more common), and it is usually contracted on land in venues like hotels, schools, and restaurants.
After debunking these myths the girls and I have decided that a cruise to Mexico is exactly what we need. If you’re looking for an inexpensive vacation getaway call the Cruise Experts at 1 (888) 804-CRUISE (2784). Like us on Facebook and join our InnerCircle for more exclusive offers.