When I was in college I read a study that claimed people who spent money on vacations and trips were significantly happier than people who spent their money on materials goods. I was once again reminded of that study a few months ago as I was reading through the journal of Psychological Science.
Amit Kumar, Mathew Killingsworth, and Thomas Gilovich, all prestigious college professors in their field, discovered that purchases made on doing things, aka vacations and trips, had better psychological outcomes on the buyer than material purchases made during the money saving and waiting period. Essentially, we are more satisfied saving up for a vacation than we are budgeting for the newest iPhone that will hit the market in a few months.
I wish I would have stumbled upon this study before I paid almost $10k on new kitchen cabinets! Yeah, the cabinets are beautiful but there was no joy during the waiting period and now that they are in…Well folks, they are just kitchen cabinets.
Having raised five children I can attest to the fact that they all remember our vacations much more than the Nintendo 64 I bought them in 5th grade or the hundreds of video game consoles that came after. It’s true where I am concerned too. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop! The initial purchase can be really exciting and I have to admit I get a huge smile on my face when the Amazon purchase I made finally arrives. But, at the end of the month when I see some of the stupid purchases I make come in on my AMEX card I want to slap myself.
My son came to visit a few weeks ago and when I asked him about his birthday memories growing up he couldn’t remember one gift clearly. He remembered the venues we went to for his birthday parties, he even recalled his 5th birthday at Chucky Cheese, but he couldn’t tell me what gift he received this year for Christmas. It was money, a cell new cell phone, and a few smaller items that I could send to a military base because he is active duty Navy. We both agreed we would have given anything to have saved that money so that we could afford a vacation together. A true memory, to last a lifetime.
As my children get older I find myself wishing I had taken that article I read in college to heart. I can’t tell you where all those Legos went or how many video game consoles we ruined over the years, but I can tell you that in the future I will be spending my cash on memories that will last.
A few months ago I started budgeting a little differently. I cut out Starbucks, turned off the HBO channel, cancelled my wine club membership, and only allot twice a month now for dinner out on the town. You wouldn’t believe how much money it has saved me. In only three months I have saved enough money for a family vacation that will provide memories for my family that will last a lifetime.
This year we will be taking a family cruise. I am extremely excited about it and it was a perfect way to get all of my children together again at the same time. All of the children are more than happy to give up HBO and dinner nights out to have the opportunity to take a family cruise! They have also each agreed to forgo their birthday presents in 2015 to make this family vacation amazing. We are planning shore excursions instead of birthday gifts this year!
All things considered I truly believe this cruise is going to reunite our family in an entirely new way. With one kid in the military, two working parents, and kids that are in sports and extra-curricular activities at school, just finding time to eat together is difficult. This vacation is providing us with the time together that we desperately need but a vacation so we can make those memories and come home happier people! Plus, it is proof that those professors who wrote the journal had it right! The planning for this vacation has made us all happier on a daily basis. Forget the excitement waiting on the Amazon order, the anticipation we are all feeling waiting on this trip is much more exhilarating!
If my story resonates at all with your family call the CruiseExperts.com today at 1-888-804-CRUISE. Our expert advisors can help plan you plan your perfect family vacation. Like us on Facebook or join our Inner Circle for more exclusive offers and deals to save you money!