Working with CruiseExperts.com, I have had the chance to discover several mysteries that I didn’t know about cruising. As a food lover, my favorite cruising secrets are what you may not know about the food. Below are a few things you may not know about the food aboard cruise ships.
- If you are a seasoned cruiser you are in an elite group. Most people haven’t been on a cruise and you wouldn’t believe how often people ask how much the food costs while aboard. Or, they don’t ask and just assume it’s too expensive so even though the fare is affordable, they back out without asking a travel advisor what’s included. You can eat for free people! Yes, I know all of you experienced cruisers know that already but I had to throw it out there. You will have to pay extra for specialty restaurants but if you’re on a budget don’t worry you will be fed at no extra cost.
- I grew up with parents who would budget to the penny. If we had the luxury to stay in a hotel that offered room service it still wasn’t an option because it was too expensive. I guess that marked me for life because I order room service every time I am on a cruise ship and guess what folks, it’s free!!! I do it for the shear luxury of it all, which I know is completely silly but I can’t help the feeling I get when the waiter arrives with my food. For me, it sets the mood and reminds me of what the cruising lifestyle is all about.
- I found this secret to be extremely useful and rarely talked about. My, now very thin and fit husband, decided he was going to lose weight by implementing the 22 day revolution diet. Which includes going vegan and all natural for the most part. The diet was amazing for him and he didn’t want to give it up to take a cruise. I talked to the travel advisors at CruiseExperts.com and they contacted the cruise line to make arrangements for his meals while aboard the cruise line! Talk about accommodations, he ate better than he did at home, it was like having our own personal chef. If you have dietary restrictions, need kosher meals, whatever the case may be, contact one of our advisors and they will arrange everything through the cruise line for you in advance.
- You are not limited to the amount of food you order in the main dining hall. If you want to try two main courses, try them, it’s all you can eat! I have to say I love trying different foods so I will sometimes order more than I can eat just to try something new. You can do the same with appetizers. You can always ask for two or get an entrée size portion of the appetizers if you know you love it. Don’t be afraid to ask for extras– it’s included!
- As many of you probably already know, certain beverages, aka soda, alcohol, and a few other beverages, are not included in your fare price. However, some people do not know the tricks and secrets that can save you a few bucks if you’re planning to purchase these drinks onboard. First, talk to a travel advisor because all cruise ships are different but some ships do allow a bottle of champagne or wine when you come aboard. A travel advisor will also help guide you if you aren’t sure about purchasing that beverage card ahead of time. Lastly, if you order your beverages in bulk it can save you money. For instance, you may only want one glass of wine with each meal. By the end of the trip that glass of wine every meal can add up. To save a few bucks order a bottle of wine and have it corked so you can enjoy it the next meal.
My best advice is to contact a travel advisor before you book your cruise. They will be able to guide you on what type of food is offered aboard certain cruise lines and enlighten you on many more secrets and tips aboard the cruise line that you are looking forward to traveling on. Call the CruiseExperts.com today at 1-888-804-CRUISE (2784) and let one of our travel advisors find you the best cruise vacation at the best price! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and join our Inner Circle! We send weekly updates that can save you money on your next cruise vacation. Bon Voyage my friends!