If you have an iPhone, you’ll really like the SeatGuru app. With over 50 thousand positive traveler reviews, this is definitely one of the apps for travel. You’ll find color-coded seat maps to help you book the most comfortable seats for your trip and which seats to avoid.
Find cheap airfares by using the TripAdvisor powered flight search engine. You can easily upload photos from your flight to your Facebook account. This is a super handy app for the iPhone user.
CBP Mobile Passport
You may not have heard of Mobile Passport Control, but it is of great benefit to U.S. citizens and Canadian travelers to the U.S. because it allows them to expedite the United States entry process. This app has been authorized by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CIPB). Eligible travelers can use it with a smartphone or tablet to enter their passport info and answer CPB inspection questions.
The purpose of the app is to streamline the traveler’s inspection process. You can download the app for free from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. If you are a U.S. citizen visiting Canada or a Canadian visitor to the U.S., you’ll find this app invaluable.
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