• Sunglasses, Sunscreen, Lip Balm, and Skin Moisturizer – Protecting your eyes from sun and glare is just as important in cold climates as in warmer ones. Skin and lips can also suffer from burn and dryness in frigid temperatures.
• Hand and Foot Warmers – These wonderful packets of warmth and comfort help keep you warm on the coldest days. Small packets (follow manufacturer’s instructions) make keeping hands, feet, and body warm an easy process. They can be slipped into boots, mittens, or inside clothing layers for an instant warm-up.
We can book an amazing winter cruise for you today. Call us at 1.888.804.CRUISE (2784) As with every cruise we book, we’ll get you the very best deals and discounts available with no charge ever for our services. Maybe you prefer a Caribbean cruise or one of the East Coast to Canada. We can find a cruise that fits your dream. Our job is to lessen your workload, save you money and time, eliminate guesswork, and give you more time to enjoy your amazing cruise. Call us today at 1.888.804.CRUISE (2784), and let us make your cruise dream a reality.
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